Jewels: “Wahab….what noblesse from a tribal chief, elegant, mild mannered, centered, powerful. His beliefs are so strong, to be almost palpable, he wants to save his country, Afghanistan. His son is being groomed for a political life, an undergraduate from Georgetown University, now working one year for the government in Kabul, trying out his legs… Wahab, who has amassed, over the years, an extensive ethnographic jewelry collection, wanting to prepare for his son returning to the states to do his graduate work, decides to take some pieces out of his reserves. He calls me. No no I say, I am leaving for Morocco in two days, I don’t want to be blinded by these things, no no. But Wahab is dear to my heart, I invite him to have breakfast in the garden for the next morning, one day before my trip of three months. Casual I say, just friends. I emptied out my bank account for him. The Yamut pieces had made me cry they were so beautiful, what could I do, never to be seen again.”
Early 20th century, Yamut (Yamud or Yomut), Turkmen, Afghanistan
These charms are from a ceremonial neck piece. The tops are Jewels’ signature sterling clips or posts.
There are two pairs of this color
Charms: 1.125″