Multi Strand Coral



Product ID: 25908 Category: Tags: , , , , ,

19th century, North Africa
Once upon a time Moroccan art dealers and runners collected old coral and brought Jewels the finest from all over North Africa.  Sometimes they would hold a cache knowing she’d return in a year’s time and that she would want the most beautiful, the oldest, the most worn and the softest.  Now they come to her studio or she to their rooms in the Medina to pick through a basket of various things lucky to have a handful.

This necklace is composed of branch coral cut to perfect beads.  Jewels had to go through many caches over the years to find enough for this piece.  She has made three others like this in past 12 year.

Averge bead: Just over .5″ long
Necklace length: 32.25″