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Radiant Little Sculptures



Product ID: 25828 Category: Tags: , , , ,

19th – 20th century, Amazigh (Berber), Morocco
These little sculptures are khol applicators; that black eyeliner seen on those already gorgeous dark eyes of those gorgeous Amazigh (and other Middle Eastern women).  This necklace is new take on one Jewels designed a few years ago with leather.  She had our silversmith cap each in sterling sheet and link them to a double pieced sterling chain.  It’s a work of art, one of a kind, of course.  For the moment there is only one.  Since she started to collect these little beauties a buzz has developed in the markets: the copycats and runners are now on the hunt.

One of a kind

Central stick: just under 3.75 x .75 x .5″
Necklace length: 30.5″