Ancient Egypt
Jewels has been seeking and collecting ancient faience beads from Egypt and Persia lately. They are so magical and gorgeous. These cultures created such marvelous objects of all sorts, but the faience carries something inexplicably special.
These ceramic beads are unusually organic shaped. A lot of the glass faience has faded but the beads retain the gorgeous watery blue color and have the incredible wear Jewels seeks in all things beautiful.
One of a kind
One of the central beads: 1″
Necklace length: 19″
A note about our woven cords. We weave these by hand, every one of them. Like all Jewels’ work no two are exact, as each of us. The work is labor intensive. When warmed to the skin the cord becomes more supple, conforms to the wearer, hangs at it should; the necklace transforms more than just a necklace. It becomes her or him.